Saturday, January 25, 2020

Demographic Profile of Perth and Kinross

Demographic Profile of Perth and Kinross PERTH KINROSS: DIVERSITY DEMOGRAPICS Q. Assess the demographic profile of Perth and Kinross as evidenced in the 2001 council  census. How might this demographic profile impact on community care? The most important revelation of the Scottish Census of April 29th 2001 was that the ethnic minority population of Scotland had risen by 63% between 1991 and 2001; whilst the White Scottish population has remained almost static at 1.3%. Moreover, whilst the ethnic minority profile is getting younger, the White Scottish profile shows a greater percentage of members of retirement age. The story then of the 2001 Census was essentially one of growing diversity in Scottish demographics. This brief essay considers the demographic results of the 2001 census for the Perth Kinross area, and the implications of these population shifts for the councils of Perth Kinross who will have to, in the near future, take the ethnic minority profile of their area into greater account in their educational, religious and social planning. Firstly, let us consider some of the general features of the demographic profile of Perth Kinross as detailed in the 2001 Scottish Census[1]. The total population of Perth and Kinross in 2001 was 134,949; of this number around sixty percent were of employable age. Of this sixty percent 134,949 5,241 economic and social migrants left the area and 5,442 entered (an increase in entry of 201). Of the migrants who left Perth and Kinross 4,193 were of working age whilst only 3,993 of those who entered were of working age (a fall of 202). Thus these figures tell that on the whole Perth and Kinross received an increase number of migrants into the area, though the percentage of economic migrants eligible to work fell. The origins of the migrants entering Perth and Kinross were as follows: 58% were from elsewhere in Scotland, 19% from England and Wales, 13% were of unknown origin, 10% came from elsewhere in the world and less than 1% came from Northern Ireland. 23.21 % of households in Perth % Kinross have members who hold and practise different religions from other members of that household; whilst the number of households where various members are of different ethnic origins is 0.74% (compared with Scottish average of 0.97%). Turning to ethnic diversity in particular, the Scottish Census found that Scotland now has just over 100,000 citizens of ethnic minorities; this amounts to two percent of the national population of Scotland. In Perth Kinross the population that belongs to ethnic minorities represents 1% and this is 1.3% of the total ethnic minority population living in Scotland. Nationally, and in Perth Kinross also, Pakistanis represent the largest ethnic minority population, followed by Chinese, Indians and then citizens of a mixed ethnic background. Of the total ethnic minority population over 70% are Asian: Pakistani, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Indian or other South Asian. The next largest group are those people who describe themselves as of a mixed ethnic minority and these represent 12% of the ethnic minority population. These figures represent a significant overall increase in the total ethnic minority population of Perth Kinross in comparison with the 1991 census. Whereas the whole population r ose by only 1.3% from 1991 to 2001, the ethnic minority population jumped by 63% (and likely much more due to the fact that figures of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are not included in the census). An interesting feature of the demographic profile of the ethnic minority population is that (excepting Caribbeans) all other ethnic groups have 20% or more of their population aged sixteen or less (the Mixed Group percentage is 44%); whilst the figure for White Scots is 16.96%. Correspondingly, the ethnic minority population in Perth Kinross has a smaller elderly population than the White Scottish population. What then do these figures tell about the ethnic diversity of Perth Kinross, and how do such findings impact upon policies of community care? The first important observation about the ethnic minority profile is clearly the leap of 63% between 1991 and 2001 – a figure almost fifty times higher than the growth of the White Scottish population. Perth Kinross however has only 1 of the total ethnic minority population of Scotland; the highest percentages being in major cities such as Glasgow (31%) and Edinburgh (18%). Moreover, the relative youth of the ethnic minority populations suggests that in the next decades they will produce a (relatively) higher percentage of citizens of working age; whilst the ageing White Scottish population will require a growing level of support in their retirement. In light of these changes, Perth Kinross councils now have to begin community projects that reflect the growing diversity of its population. Schools, for instance, ought to have citizensh ip classes in which the virtues of ethnic diversity, ethnic tolerance, and religious tolerance are taught. Special classes should be arranged for Non-White Scottish children where necessary; likewise, teachers should be aware of the religious practices of schoolchildren. Where there are large ethnic minority communities local councils might consider providing suitable facilities: mosques (and other religious buildings), community centres and so on. In the final analysis, it seems evident from the demographic profiles of the 1991 and 2001 censuses that the population of Scotland generally, and Perth Kinross also, is experiencing a rapid percentage increase of members who belong to an ethnic minority. What is more, this increase seems likely only to accelerate and to penetrate the more rural parts of Scotland as well as its cities. Accordingly, the Perth Kinross council must make preparations to meet the religious, educational, and social needs of their rising ethnic minority populations. At the same time, the local White Scottish population and ethnic minority communities must learn an increasing tolerance for the cultural and religious outlooks of one another. Only if this tolerance is achieved can the product of these demographic changes be edifying for all concerned. 1004 words BIBLIOGRAPHY Academic Works Internet Sources Perth Kinross Council. (2002), The 2001 Scottish Census. (2001) The Oxford English Dictionary. (1989). Oxford University Press, Oxford. Encyclopaedia Wikipedia. (2000). [1] All figures in this essay are derived from the Scottish Census of April 29th 2001.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Being a leader

Since my childhood I am self motivated and committed to my work, due to my family background. My grandfather taught me a lot about discipline. I learned work ethics from my father in the first place through his attitude with colleagues at work and at home with the members of the family. My education in engineering provided important technical knowledge, which ought to be entwined with the aforesaid principles. My software experience enhanced my skills in system analysis and bug fixing. I am a quick learner and a practical problem solver.I am good at leveraging my past experience into new technologies. I proved my commitment and project management skills by meeting the project deadlines at Countrywide Home loans. Management at Countrywide awarded me with Star Search Award, which portrays my adaptability and result oriented nature. Traditionally theorists stated that good leaders or not made but born (Lussier N. R. , 2006, p460). However, nowadays it is believed that leadership skills can be learned (Orlitzky M. et al 2003, p128-138). The following experiences also prove my leadership skills.After successful completion of my tertiary education in Computer Science and Engineering, I was offered a job in â€Å"FJ Benjamin & Holdings,† Singapore in December 1995 after rigorous initial screening. At that time I was a team member of a group that was involved in developing an application for in house use. During its development phase many people left the company seeking better opportunities elsewhere. This led the director in charge of the project to think that the wrong decision was taken since the upper management initially was inclined to purchase the project rather than developing it in house.It was on the insistence of this Director that the company agreed to develop the application in house. Thus it was up to the Director to complete the work on time. I then took the matter at hand and commenced contacting my friends and others to join our group, in order to attain the objectives set. I induced some of my friends to join in the organization and thus helped in the continuance of the project at hand. Ultimately, we were successful in developing and implementing the project.Even though the project took more time than expected due to the adversaries faced, management was content that the project was completed with in the budget set. I was recognized and rewarded for my initiative and coordination of the staff accordingly. References: Lussier N. R. (2006). Management Fundamentals. Third Edition. United States of America: Thomson South-Western. Orlitzky M. ; Benjamin J. (2003). The effects of sea composition on small-group performance in a business school case competition, Academy of Management Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 128-138.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Reliability, Validity, and Ethical Issues in CIPD Management Free Essay Example, 8000 words

It is quite essential that the results obtained from a research should be reliable enough. Reliability means the extent to which the results will remain consistent with time and provide accurate information about the population. According to some research high level of consistency should be maintained throughout a quantitative research process to attain reliability. While collecting the quantitative data care should be taken to minimise the possibility of biases. Therefore, the questions are being written in simple and easy to understand language. Use of jargon is almost negligible because these jargons may not be understood by many of the respondents. Again, to improve the reliability of the research, a mixed research approach has been used that nullifies the loopholes of quantitative research to a great extent. The term validity means how far the researchers succeeded in truly achieving the research objective or to hit the bull s eye . In the given research, care has been taken t hroughout the planning process so that the researchers succeeded in achieving its target. The ethical issue is equally important as compared to reliability and validity. As per the ethical issue, this research will not be used for any other purpose. We will write a custom essay sample on Reliability, Validity, and Ethical Issues in CIPD Management or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Alternative Modes of Planning Domain and Direction Planning Free Essay Example, 1500 words

The purpose of strategic planning is to rationalize and articulate the process of integrated decision making among firms. Planning can be strategic or operational where strategic planning pertains to long-term planning and operational to short-term planning. A study of ninety-seven small firms in central Iowa, in the USA, was conducted to evaluate the planning/performance relationship (Shrader et al cited in French, Kelly and Harrison, 2004). The study found that planning and performance are inter-related but small firms seldom undertook strategic planning and there was a possibility they were missing out on potential benefits. Sophistication in the planning process and quality of planning can help achieve organizational goals and not the time spent in the planning process (French, Kelly and Harrison, 2004). Larger firms engage in long-term strategic planning while smaller firms focus on operational planning. The authors also cite that mission and vision are the key variables in str ategic planning and there is no empirical evidence to support the claim that it positively impacts firm performance. People relate the future with goals but alternative modes of planning such as domain and direction planning do not involve goal-setting. We will write a custom essay sample on Alternative Modes of Planning: Domain and Direction Planning or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Planning can differ across organizational culture, size and situation. When people create an image of the future and then plan, it implies setting specific, objective and measurable goals. McCaskey observes that such planning is workable after the problem has been identified and defined. Moreover, goals are made to rationalize the decision or plans that have been made in advance. Such rationalization and justification for actions may blind the management to the unforeseen circumstances such as the external and the internal environment. Contingency theorists recognize several different modes of planning and the planning process should be aligned with the given situation (McCaskey, 1976). Planning for a well-defined problem in a stable environment is likely to be a rational process with specific objectives and measurable goals. With an ill-defined problem in a fuzzy environment, the planning process would depend on intuition.